How to Ditch Your Fairy
by Justine Larbalestier
by Justine Larbalestier
Charlie has always had one of the worst fairies ever: the parking fairy. Her entire life seems to be one long car ride, as people "borrow" her any time they drive, even if it's just to the grocery store, just so they can get the perfect parking spot.
.Well... Charlie's tired of being used and she's doing something about it. She's going to get rid of that parking fairy, no matter what it takes!
Of course, what it takes is months of walking absolutely everywhere, being late to all of her classes, losing time to do her homework, and missing time with her friends and family.
When she finally gets a chance to switch with the girl who has the All-Boys-Will-Notice-You Fairy, Charlie thinks her luck has finally changed.
Boy! Was she wrong...