Thursday, January 2, 2020


by Aaron Starmer

For some people, Pre-Calculus is difficult enough to make a person feel like her mind will explode, but no one expected that to literally happen... Until 3rd period pre-calc when Katelyn Ogden goes BOOM!


Blood everywhere. 

One-time fluke, though. Nothing to worry about.

Until Brian Chen explodes in the middle of a group therapy session for the pre-calc survivors.

Suddenly all bets are off and seniors start exploding pretty regularly.

The government has no idea what's happening. The doctors are confused. The parents are panicking. And no senior is safe.

But Mara and her fellow seniors can't just sit there. They have to do something. They can't just wait for the day to come and they go BOOM. They need to live what little life they have left.

And they do.

Even if it kills them.

Final thoughts: I am not sure what the author was going for beyond a live each day to the fullest message. Otherwise, this book is just weird. I also don't think this author should be writing a teen girl point of view because he doesn't really know what he's doing. Maybe he should have gone with Dylan instead. The ending is a little ambiguous and leaves room for a sequel, but doesn't really feel like there will be one. Overall, meh.

Rating: 3/5

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