Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Drink Deep

Drink Deep
by Chloe Neill

It's been two months since the Master of Cadogan House was murdered in front of Merit's eyes.  The House is still devastated.  The vampires are still reeling.  Merit is still alone.

On top of that, a representative from the GP has taken over the running of the House, rationed food and blood, reinstated archaic rules, and prevented the vamps from doing their jobs.

As an added bonus, nature itself seems to have gone completely wonky.  The water has become a black, magical vacuum.  The skies have turned red and is shooting out deadly lightning.  And the supernatural creatures around Chicago are all at a loss for what's wrong.

For Merit, the time for mourning is over, even as her dreams of Ethan have become more vivid and her best friend has all but disappeared as she works to pass her sorceress exams.

The Sentinel also has someone who's interested in her as more than just a friend or partner, even if she's not yet ready for that.

And the bad times just keep on coming...

Final thoughts:  I'm glad I trusted Neill even after the last book.  I was a little nervous walking into this book, but I was rewarded.... mostly.  While in the last book, the writing was tightening up and getting more focused, now it's bare minimum.  I missed the relationship between Merit and Ethan, which, of necessity, had to be lacking, but was really important just because it was key to all of the previous books.  The ending felt really rushed and a little obvious.  This is more of a book to connect the previous one and the next one, so I'm not jumping up and down, but it's still Merit, so I'm still happy to have read it.

Rating: 4/5

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