Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Brianna on the Brink

Brianna on the Brink
by Nicole McInnes

Brianna was the girl on top, both literally and figuratively.  She's best friends with the girl at the top of the social ladder and she's the flyer on the cheer squad.

But when Brianna makes the mistake of going home and sleeping with her English teacher's husband (though she didn't know who he was at the time), she goes from the top of the crowd to school slut.

She now must face the consequences of one bad night.

Final thoughts: Yes, Brianna's had a crappy childhood and yes, her mother isn't much of one, but Brianna's choices seem a little unrealistic.  She never really thinks about things; she just reacts.  Her story probably hits notes that many teen girls might find familiar, but the story as a whole just doesn't work.  I'm also bugged by the fact that McInnes seems to think a student in regular English, who has skipped a couple of weeks of school, would suddenly be allowed to move into an AP English class in MARCH, when the test is given in May... and that she could actually PASS that test.  Um... no.

Rating: 3/5

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